Midwifery Emergency Skills Program (MESP) Course Listings
The Midwifery Emergency Skills Program (MESP) is a risk management program for midwifery care that focuses on home-birth. The program is accessible, flexible, and allows participants an opportunity to practice communication and teamwork during emergency simulations. It is designed by, and for, Canadian midwives, and builds upon previously developed skills in midwifery management in obstetrical emergencies. MESP is open to other health professionals who are interested in developing their skills in this area.
MESP is comprised of:
- Asynchronous online learning modules, which includes an evaluative component (exam). Each online module provides learning objectives and evidence-based practice recommendations.
- A 4-hour community-based workshop, guided by a MESP-certified facilitator. The MESP is responsive to the needs of both urban and rural midwives. The workshop component focuses on assessment and clinical skills, critical thinking, management and team communication. A variety of critical learning components are covered in the online modules and in-person workshops, including undiagnosed twins or breech births, shoulder dystocia, antepartum and postpartum haemorrhage, anaphylaxis, and cord presentation and prolapse.
The MABC administers the MESP program at a subsidized rate of $75 for MABC members, and $375 for non-members. MESP meets the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) requirement for midwives to re-certify every two years in an emergency skills program. The BCCNM’s policy on Continuing Competencies can be found in the link above.
If you would like to know more about the program, please email programs@bcmidwives.com