Announcements & Statements > BC Midwife of the Month, October: Cora Beitel
MABC is pleased to present Cora Beitel as our October Midwife of the Month for their dedication to advancing inclusive midwifery care for LGBTQIA2S families in BC. Beitel is a founding member of the Strathcona Midwifery Collective in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. They co-facilitate and organize the Queer and Trans Pregnancy and Parenting Group – a monthly group that provides support, resources and community dialogue for queer and trans folks on the parenting journey – and have been advocating for safer pregnancy and birth care for the trans and queer community through presentations, committees, and policy development. Beitel is also a parent of two, a partner, a knitter, a weightlifter, and an avid community gardener. Please read our complete interview here.
BC Midwife of the Month is a monthly profile series that honours practicing midwives for their extraordinary contributions to current issues facing the profession and serves to introduce the public to a broad spectrum of midwives working in our province.