Announcements & Statements > MABC Statement on Midwifery Compensation for Non-Clinical Work
The Midwives Association of BC supports the work of registered midwives across the province in leadership, planning and health systems consultation. Alongside primary maternity physicians, registered midwives offer expertise in primary maternity care and actively participate in designing, developing, and implementing health system improvements for families in rural, remote, urban, and Indigenous communities across the province.
As primary maternity care providers participating in health system improvement initiatives, registered midwives in BC must be offered equal pay for equal work. Physicians and midwives serving on the same committees and programs must be compensated equally.
The MABC recognizes that registered midwives in BC may choose to negotiate terms of contracts with partnering agencies where hourly or non-clinical rates are identified outside of this position statement. In such cases, as the provincial negotiating body for the profession, the MABC provides representation and support to registered midwives per the Midwifery Master Agreement.