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CGL Questions & Answers

Why did we change providers?

  • The choice was not ours. Axis, our previous brokers, terminated our group plan. Gore Mutual, our previous provider, no longer wanted to provide our coverage (indicating our premium revenue was too small). Axis was unsuccessful in finding another provider and, therefore, terminated their relationship with MABC.

Why did we choose BMS?

  • We reached out to 4 other brokers and only one broker, BMS, came back with a proposal. We were directed to BMS by our MPP government contact as she was aware of their involvement with other health care sector groups. BMS advised as well that they only had one provider, Intact Insurance, engage with a proposal.

Is this our only choice?

  • We are told that the group plan coverage is better than members could get if they approach a provider directly, but members absolutely have the right to seek out an arrangement and/or organization that they prefer as long as the coverage meets the minimum requirements dictated by MPP.

Is this likely to change in the near-term?

  • The current size of our group and the amount of revenue it produces is not attractive to many insurance providers, and this has limited the number of options available to MABC at this time. However, we will continue to explore options to improve the group plan.

It seems expensive?

  • Like most things in the past few years, insurance rates have gone up globally.

How is ‘Employee’ defined as it relates to CGL?

  • The definition of “employee” under the current policy is consistent with MABC’s expiring policy and is standard across CGL policy wordings and insurers.
  • Employee is defined as someone who is in the Insured’s service, who the insured compensates by salary, wages, or commissions, and who the insured has the right to direct and control while they are performing their services for the insured.
  • Persons who are volunteers, independent contractors, and others of the same general character are not employees.
  • To meet an insurer’s definition of an employee, the midwife must be:
    • working for the practice,
    • paid by the practice,
    • be working under the direction and control of the practice, and
    • not be a volunteer or independent contractor.

What about Locums?

  • If the midwife is a locum, and the locum is in an employer-employee relationship with the practice, then they are automatically covered under the practice’s CGL.

Do I need cyber insurance?

  • There is no mandate from MABC, BCCNM or the MPP provider that you have cyber insurance coverage. We however, are not insurance experts and highly encourage you to discuss your individual needs and risks with an insurance broker.

BMS has prepared a quick guide to deciding what insurance is recommended for your practice. Note that the guide does not replace individualized broker advice so please speak with an insurance professional at BMS if you have questions about the most appropriate coverage for your specific practice circumstances.

What Coverage Do I Need Guide (PDF)

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